apiary news

Honeybee with pollen on Golden Rod

Weekly Inspection 4th August

Honeybee with pollen on Golden Rod

Weather: very warm with temperatures 22°C to 26°C. Set to continue fine.

Forage: Rosebay Willowherb finishing, golden rod, hibiscus, Himalayan Balsam and Rubeckia

Activity looks to be slowing down, not much new stores coming into the supers. Will start to inspect fortnightly rather than weekly.

Apidea has a queen but no eggs and very  few bees.



Honeybee on Hibiscus

Weekly Inspection – 27th July

Honeybee on Hibiscus

weather: temperatures between 20°C – 22°C. Much warmer and sunnier. Set to continue for the next 10 days.

Forage: continues with Ragwort, Himalayan Balsam,  Rosebay Willowherb and Veronica

Colonies seem to be doing much better and there is still nectar coming in. The frames in the supers are starting to be capped, but I need to rearrange the frames to ensure that all get drawn out.

The Apidea that I made up from Flax has a queen that has emerged but very few bees. So decided to top up with more bees from Flax. They have drawn two of the frames and stored some nectar, Probably too early for the Queen to have mated




Weekly Inspection – 18th July


Weather: Temperatures 17ºC -22ºC but with lots of rain and heavy showers most days. Set to improve.

Forage: Ragwort, Buddleia, Rosebay Willowherb, Himalayan Balsam, and Golden Rod just starting.

Not sure what’s happening with the Flax colony. There were sealed QCs, torn down QCs and 1 charged cell. But there also appears to be eggs and larvae. The sealed QCs don’t look to be viable – candled one and it had a small undeveloped larva. However, decided to make up and Apidea with the other one. Left bees in for 2 days, but most have left and probably returned back to Flax. So perhaps the Buckfast queen is still present but took time to come into lay?

Supers being worked and starting to get filled up.

honeybee on borage

Weekly inspection – 10th July

honeybee on borage

Weather: changeable with showers, temperatures 17°C to 20°C.

Forage: Buddleia, Ragwort, Rosebay Willowherb and privet

The quen from Flax that I banked and stored in cyan  perished. Not sure if she starved or was killed, but from the state of her looks to have happened early on..

Honeybee on Rose

Weekly Inspection 30th June

Honeybee on Rose

Weather: temperatures have been between 20°C – 22°C. Bees very busy, but the forecast is for much more changeable weather with quite a few showers. Temperatures set to go down into the late teens.

Forage: Buddleia, Privet just starting, Ragwort, RoseBay Willowherb, bramble looks to be finishing.

Most of the colonies seem to be bringing in plenty of stores . New Buckfast queens arrived on 2nd July and so some of the colonies were manipulated to potentially accommodate being re-queened. I couldn’t find a queen in the Indigo colony and so decided to leave alone. This meant that I changed plan and removed the queen from Flax and banked her before introducing one of the new Buckfast queens. If indigo doesn’t have a queen I’ll put the old queen (now banked) back.

Bees at home are very aggressive at the moment and starting to come at me even when not close to the hives. Hopefully this behaviour settles down otherwise I’ll remove colonies to the river Mole apiary.

Honeybee on geranium

Weekly Inspection – 24th June

Honeybee on geranium

Weather: really improved with temperatures climbing to 20°C – 23°C. Set to continue with a mini heatwave forecast for the coming week.

Forage: Bramble, rosebay Willowherb, Ragwort and Buddleia just beginning. Checking my forage notes from last year season looks to be about 10 days ahead.

Main flow has really started with the main colonies adding a super in just a week. Not sure how long it will last with the forage being 10 days in advance of last year.

Flax colony looks to have hatched out a Queen but there were still 2 sealed Queen cells, so squished one and put one in an Apidea with Bees also from Flax.

Thursday, 27th – inspected River Mole colonies. Queen cells in Indigo so needed to make a nuc split (now called Jade) with queen from Indigo.