apiary news

Honeybee Queen cell

Weekly Inspection – 18th May

Honeybee Queen cell

Queen cell tip thinned out by the bees to help the queen emerge

Weather: continued improvement with temperatures between 17°C to 20°C stop no showers despite being in forecast.

Forage: chestnut, green alkanet, cow parsley, Hawthorn and elderflower just starting.

Finally got to inspect the honeydew colony at the river Mole apiary site and it’s doing well. Still have three colonies that I’m raising Queens in. Will be interesting to see what emerges!

Finally starting to see the Bees bringing in nectar and starting to store some honey in the supers.

Honeybee on knotweed

Weekly inspection – 11th May

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Honeybee on May

Weekly Inspection- 3rd May

Weather: improve slightly with temperatures averaging 15°C to 17°C. Plenty of showers and one very heavy thunderstorm.

Forage: chestnut, Hawthorn, lilac, green alkanet

The modified Snellgrove on blue hive isn’t progressing very well. May need to introduce frame of eggs to encourage queen cell building

Weekly Inspection- 26th April

Weather – more of the same – wet and cold. Temperatures not getting above 14°C. Forecast to warm up next week.

Forage: hawthorn, OSR, Apple, Green alkanet and lilac just starting.

Colonies starting to expand- still very early in the season. Will need to decide on where to put the new colony being created by Blue using the modified Snelgrove method which seems to be progressing well.

Honeybee on dandelion

Weekly Inspection 18th April

Collecting pollen from dandelion

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