Weekly Inspection 24th May


Honeybee on geranium

Weather: fine with temperatures 15ºC – 20ºC.

Forage:Hawthorn, elderflower and cow parsley

Bees don’t seem to be doing very well, some colonies diminishing in size. Not bringing much nectar in, similar to reports from other beekeepers. Looks like we could be in for early June gap

Hive Record
CommentNext Inspection
AquaYY12 frames of BIAS, Nice pattern & lots of eggsNothing in super, OK for stores in brood boxFell over and dropped top boxCheck queen OK
BlueYY4 frames of BIAS in bottom boxNothing in supersLook to have abandoned top box, QC dried outCheck on expansion. And slim down to 1 box
CyanYNNo BIAS yet or even eggsOK for stores in brood box & 1Kg in superNice size queenCheck for eggs and larvae
DenimNN3 QCs on donated frame - took down to 1 sealePlenty in brood boConsider uniting if no queen presentCheck for emerged queen
FlaxNY7 1/2 frames BIAS, 1 QC with egg inAbout 1 Kg in superHas expanded but no honey so a Has expanded slightly, no honey yetCheck for space & swarming signs
GreenYY4 frames of BIAS - not big pattern or many eggs OK with 1 frameMoved to full size hive with 7 frames plus dummy boardsCheck for expansion, esp brood pattern size