Weekly Inspection 4th August


Honeybee with pollen on Golden Rod

Weather: very warm with temperatures 22°C to 26°C. Set to continue fine.

Forage: Rosebay Willowherb finishing, golden rod, hibiscus, Himalayan Balsam and Rubeckia

Activity looks to be slowing down, not much new stores coming into the supers. Will start to inspect fortnightly rather than weekly.

Apidea has a queen but no eggs and very  few bees.



Hive Record
CommentNext Inspection
AquaYY11 1/2 (7+4 1/2) frames of bias. Lots of eggs.Three super: fullIsh, 3/4, 2/3 rearranged some of the framesRound about 20 kg in the top boxCheck on activity in supers to decide when to remove
BlueYYFour frames of bias, has expanded. Queen marked and clipped.Okay for storesStill has five frames to draw, maybe over winter in poly nucCheck on expansion
CyanYY8 1/2 frames of bias, lots of Bees1 Super: fullishOkay for spaceCheck on super
FlaxYY5+ frames of bias. Queen remarked, not the Buckfast.Two supers: 3/4, 3/4 – rearranged the framesAdded 11th frameCheck Queen okay?
HoneydewYYFive frames of bias. Finally marked and clipped the queen.Four supers: 3 full, 2/3Added 11th frameCheck on Brood box for stores
IndigoNY5 frames at bias, has expanded slightly20 kg in brood box and 1 kg in the new superNo queen cells so adding super seems to have workedcheck on temperament as very aggressive this week
JadeYYSix frames of bias & nice pattern, remarked QueenOkay, but need to draw five framesAdded the 11th frameCheck on expansion