Weekly Inspection 7th May


Weather has still been poor – cold and wet with temperatures struggling to get above 15°C. Plenty of forage around with Apple, Lilac, Dandelion & Chesnut.

I’m having a tough time with my colonies as they seem to be going queenless. The introduced queens don’t seem to have been accepted – have’t seen them and no real brood in 2 of the 3 home apiary colonies.

Will need to hope that they pick up or I get lucky and pick up a swarm.

Hive Record
CommentNext Inspection
AquaNNNo brood, hopefully queen will come into lay.plenty in the brood box as there is no BIAS.Plenty of bees and flying activityFind queen or add frame of eggs from Blue.
BlueNY3 frames of BIAS - fairly small area.Just starting to work. the superLooks like there is a queen in this hive.Check on brood pattern. - possibly donate frame to A/C
CyanNNPlenty of drone brood. About 2 Kgs in superMay have a drone laying colony - didn't see any eggs thoughCheck for BIAS and queen