Weekly Inspection 9th July
Weather: slightly cooler than previous week – temperatures 20°C – 24°C. Some heavy rain showers.
Forage: Rosebay Willowherb, sweet Chesnut, St John’s Wort and golden rod just starting. Plenty of activity with the bees., bringing in lots of pollen.
Need to start to look at which colonies need strengthening for Winter and if I want to try and over-winter a couple of nucs as insurance.
Mixed results so far with queen rearing, Apidea has got one sealed QC rather than a queen.
Will also start to sort out equipment- painting some boxes, repairing the gabled roofs as well as making up dummy boards.
Managed to use the repaired boiling tank to clean up 60 frames and a few queen excluders. They really do come up well but does take a couple of days to clean and rinse them.